Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1746.01.20

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Index Entry Bells, in Exon, rung for association of support for King 
Location Exon 
20 Jan 1746:22 (545)
Exon, Oct. 1.  This day the Right Worshipful the Mayor
conven'd the citizens, to consider of proper measures to be
taken in this critical conjuncture, when they were
unanimously of opinion to unite themselves by an association
for the support of his Majesty's person and government, and
our happy constitution both in church and state; and
instrument for that purpose was immediately sign'd by the
said Mayor, the Lord Bishop of the diocese, the aldermen and
magistrates, the dignitaries of the Cathedral Church, and
other clergy of the city, great numbers of the gentlemen,. .
.   And after the signing of the association, the mayor
invited the principal inhabitants to meet him at the New
Inn, where they concluded the evening with drinking his
Majesty's health, and that of the Royal Family, success to
his arms against the rebels, and many other loyal healths: 
Some hogsheads of beer were likewise given to the populace,
and the bells were rung, and bonfires lighted, and all other
marks of joy for the unanimity of the citizens on this
important occasion.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1746.01.20 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1746 
Bibliography B0002336
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