Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1747.07.13

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Index Entry Bells, in Amsterdam, rung for arrival of Prince of Orange 
Location Amsterdam 
13 Jul 1747:12 (622)
Amsterdam, May 12.  His Serene Highness the Prince of
Orange, our Stadtholder, and the Princess Royal in consort,
accompanied by the Princess Dowager and the young Princess,
arrived here yesterday about noon from Leuwarden.  They were
saluted with repeated discharges of he guns of all the ships
in the harbour, and the ringing of all the bells, and the
burghers were drawn up under arms where the Prince landed. 
Immediately after the burgomasters went to compliment their
Highnesses upon their happy arrival.  Last night the city
was finely illuminated on this occasion, and his serene
Highness set out this morning towards nine o'clock for the
Hague, by the way of Harlem, Leyden and Delf.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1747.07.13 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1747 
Bibliography B0002413
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