Citation |
25 Jan 1748:12 (650)
London, October 6. Extract of a letter from Rotterdam,
dated September 29, N.S.
The people here in general are greatly dissatisfy'd about
the surprize of Bergenopzoom, and even the French themselves
are astonished at it. The following is a letter from an
officer who was there when it was taken.
'My heart bleeds when I think of the inhumanities and
cruelties committed after the assault upon the poor
inhabitants of Bergenopzoom, who were so vilely deceived by
those who called themselves their defenders. . . [4th para.]
'I am not sure that the alarm bell was rung: For when the
Baron de Spork, who headed the first regiment that was
under arms, came to the general's quarters, he found it
already surrounded by Frenchmen, whom he drove back, and
thereby gave them time to get out. . . [3 more paras.]