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14 Mar 1748:21,22 (657)
Kinsale, Oct. 16. There are now upwards of 1,600 French and
Spanish prisoners here, who had contrived means to make
their escape from their prisons, kill their guards, possess
themselves of the town, and make themselves masters of all
the arms and ammunition there, and to kill all the
Protestants in the place.
Monday night, the 12th instant was the time fix'd for the
execution of their project; but, by the providence of God,
all their cruel projects were discovered, by one of the
French men (who was a Protestant,. . . )
Immediately the drums of all the militia, horse and foot,
beat to arms, and a guard of 50 men was mounted at the
Court-House, which still continue; and orders were given to
all the centinels to fire at any they found attempting to
escape; four companies more are arrived to our assistance. .
. [1 more para.]