Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1748.03.14

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Index Entry Machine, musical, in Boston, on exhibit 
Location Boston 
14 Mar 1748:32 (657)
Whereas the curious musical machine, the posture boy, & c.
at the house of John Williams in King-street, are to be
shewn by the owner but a very little while longer in this
town, those minded to see the same, are desired to give
speedy attendance:  And any gentlemen or others minded to
purchase the living creature called a tyger-lyon, (which is
still to be seen there) may treat with the owner at said
place, as also for said machine.
  N.B.  Any gentlemen or ladies that have a desire to see
the said machine and posture-boy at their houses, may be
gratified therein (in the day-time) by sending for the same,
provided there be company of 12 persons at least, or pay
equivalent for that number, at ten shillings, old Tenor,

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1748.03.14 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1748 
Bibliography B0002448
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