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3 Oct 1748:21 (686)
Imported in the last ship from London, and to be sold by
Gilbert and Lewis Deblois, at the Sign of the Crown and Comb
in Queen-street, opposite the Post-Office, Boston, by
wholesale and retain, at reasonable rates, viz. . . [line
16] large brass pins, jewsharps, all sorts of fish hooks,
lines, angling rods,. . . [2d line] necklaces and
pendants, bells of all sorts, brass lock cocks, ink-powder,.
. . [4th subsequent line] English sole leather, best Roman
violin strings, bridges, bows, &c. cotton romals, worsted
caps,. . . [5 lines]
N.B. Any country trader may be as well furnished by
sending a letter as if present themselves.