Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1750.12.10

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Index Entry Bell, in Alloa, rung all day to protest new minister 
Location Alloa 
10 Dec 1750:12 (800)
London. . . October 16. . .  We hear from Alloa, in
Scotland, that on Friday was se'nnight, the coalers of that
and two or three adjacent parishes assembled in a very
tumultuous manner, to prevent the settlement of Mr. James
Sim to be minister of Alloa, which had been appointed to be
that day; they rung the church bell from morning till night,
and after noon displayed a flag from the steeple, in token
of victory, none offering to oppose them.  But we are told,
that the three companies of the military have since been
ordered to that place, to curb the insolence of these
rioters, and to effectuate the said settlement; and that a
justiciary warrant is issued out for apprehending the
ringleaders of this disturbance.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1750.12.10 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1750 
Bibliography B0002591
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