Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1751.12.09

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Index Entry Music, metaphor of current events, in critical review of essay 
Location Boston 
9 Dec 1751:11,12,22 (851)
[Essay by Philalethes, from Rhode-Island, 29 Nov 1751, re.
money, concluding, 22, 1st full para.]
  As this writer has given the world a specimen of his [in
gutter] and abilities, the experiment he has made will
doubtless convince him, that his musick is too low for the
publick theatre.  I would therefore as a friend advise him,
for the future, [not] to whistle out of his own cottage.
  But to be serious; our author must excuse my telling him
that his bombast, jejune and harangue, has not [deserved] my
animadversions; but had he been capable, and had [in gutter]
with decency and common sense, I should have taken [   ]
notice of what he had said.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1751.12.09 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1751 
Bibliography B0002643
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