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13 Aug 1753:42 (937)
Wednesday last being the annual meeting of the Society for
Encouraging Industry and Employing the Poor, the Rev. Mr.
Cooper of this town, preached an excellent sermon before
them, and a vast assembly of other persons of all ranks and
denominations, in the Old-South Meeting-House. . . In the
afternoon, about 300 spinners, all neatly dressed, and many
of 'em daughters of the best families in town, appeared on
the Common, and being placed orderly in three rows, at work,
made a most delightful appearance.--The weavers also,
(cleanly dress'd in garments of their own weaving) with a
loom, and a young man at work, on a stage prepared for that
purpose, carried on men's shoulders, attended by musick,
preceded the Society, and a long train of other genltemen of
note, both of town and country, as they walked in procession
to view the spinners; and the spectators were so numerous,
that they were compared by many to one of Mr. Whitefield's
auditories, when he formerly preached here on the Common.