Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1753.12.24

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Index Entry Psalms, essay, singers favored by ladies, in ambition and pride 
Location Boston 
24 Dec 1753:11,12 (956)
From the Humourist.  Said to be written by the late
ingenious and learned Judge Burnet.  Of Ambition and Pride.
. . [last para. 11]
  The ladies too have their topicks of ambition:  Some glory
in their faces, some in their jellies, and some in their
devotion; and before you attack their hearts, you must watch
their affections.  Will. Swiftly conquered Mrs. Rebecca by
writing an epigram upon gravy-sauce; and Jack Quarto made
his way to Mrs. Sunday's heart, by singing psalms. . . 
  Ambition is rational and laudable, when it seeks and aims
at the peace and happiness of human society; but where it is
only personal and selfish, it is either very silly or very

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1753.12.24 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1753 
Bibliography B0002747
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