Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1756.11.01

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Index Entry Admiral B--g's Answer to His Friends... [t] [beg] You tell me, the nation is 
Location Boston 
1 Nov 1756:12 (1105)
Cries Blakeey to Byng, as he kept at a distance,
You'll be hang'd, you Poltroon, if you don't bring
Why aye,--reply'd Byng, what you say may be true;
But then I may chance to be shot, if I do:
. . . [2 lines]
Admiral B--g's Answer to his Friends, who had sent an
Express to acquaint him, of the public resentment.
  You tell me, the nation is all in a flame,
  All murmur, and load with reproaches my name,
  They lash me in satire, and burn me in straw,
  And threaten the harshest of lashes, the --- law.
. . . [24, 4 lines]

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1756.11.01 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1756 
Bibliography B0002896
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