Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1757.08.15

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Index Entry Boran, in Wexford, beat by women for protest action 
Location Wexford 
15 Aug 1757:12 (1146)
Extract of a letter from Wexford, Apr 27.  Last monday  a
very extraordinary affair happened here; the women of this
town, to the number of 5 or 600, assembled (at the beat of a
boran or corn fan) in a very riotous manner, armed with
broomsticks, ladles, cabbage-stalks, and such like, and with
amazonian  fierceness in their looks, threatned  destruction
and devastation to all the forestallers; assaulted and
pelted several of them in a very ludicrous manner, with what
the scavenges left behind, though it cost some of them
broken heads and bruised breasts from their opponents; after
which they seized on a quantity of peas, potatoes, and meal,
which they brought to the town hall, to be disposed of at
the discretion of the market jury.  They also went on board
several vessels, and were striping them of their running
rigging and sails, when unfortunately an heavy shower of
rain fell, which dispersed this formidable troop of
heroines, without doing further mischief.
[Ed: boran = Irish hand-drum]

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1757.08.15 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1757 
Bibliography B0002937
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