Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1757.12.19

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Index Entry Books, dance, country dances for the present year, for sale by Deblois, L 
Location Boston 
19 Dec 1757:42 (1164)
Lewis Deblois, at the sign of the Golden Eagle on Dock-
Square, Boston, hereby informs his town and country
customers, that he has just imported a fresh assortment of
goods in Capt. Long from London, and Capt. Sohier from
Bristol, which he will sell at the lowest rates for cash, or
short credit, at cash prices,  Sundry merchandises as
follows, viz. . . [3d para.]
  New minuets, marches and country dances compos'd for the
present year, in the true English taste, sonettas and duets
for the violin and German flute, &c. slay bells, scates,
fencing-foils, and horse and chaise whips.    ----Best bohea
tea, coffee and indigo----
N.B.  A few of the best made tortois-shell buckling combs,
in neat cases.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1757.12.19 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1757 
Bibliography B0002955
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