Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1758.01.30

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Index Entry Drummer, in Whitby, hired to keep peace in market place 
Location Whitby 
30 Jan 1758:11,12 (1170)
Extract of a letter from Whitby, October 7.  The Guisbrough
Rioters setting out from that place on Michaelmas Day,
marched a body to mask, where a ship was laid on to load
corn for Scotland.  They seized on that corn, and lodged it
in storehouses, from whence they gave orders that 20 bushel
should be carried to Guisbrough Market every week, and then
sold at 4 s. or 4s. 6d. per bushel, till the whole was
disposed of.  On Monday last was another riot of Guisbrough,
on account of the millers that had been summon'd in there by
a former mob . . . And on the 1st instant, being our market-
day, we had a riot here, chiefly occasion'd by women and
ship-carpenters, on account of the forestallers and
engrossers of corn and flour in this market.  As the publick
peace has been of late so much disturb'd by mobs, it was
become highly necessary that somebody should be made an
example of to deter others from the like proceedings: 
Accordingly diligent inquiry has been made by our
magistrates after the ringleaders of the Whitby riot, and
two men and three women that were active therein, have been
apprehended and sent away to York Castle.  A good look-out
is likewise kept after others; but all have absconded and
left the town that were afraid of being apprehended.  An
association is here enter'd into, whereby this town proposes
to follow the example of York; and tho' the Militia Act is
not likely to have the wish'd-for success, yet most of our
principal inhabitants are resolved to learn the military
exercise, for which end they have hired two serjeants and a
drummer; and it is to be hoped will for the future be able
to preserve the public peace both here and in the
neighbourhood, as also to defend our own property against
all invaders whether foreign or domestic. . .

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1758.01.30 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1758 
Bibliography B0002961
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