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22 Oct 1759:13 (1260)
Last Tuesday being appointed to be observed as a day of
general rejoicing in this town, on account of the great an
important success of his Majesty's arms, in the reduction
and surrender of Quebeck the capital city of Canada, the
morning was ushered in by the ringing of the bells of the
town, which continued the whole day; and on this happy
event, an excellent sermon was preached before his
Excellency the Governor, the Honourable his Majesty's
Council, and the House of Representatives, and a vast
auditory, by the Rev. Mr. Cooper, Chaplain to his Excellency
and both Houses of assembly:--After divine service, his
Excellency with the General Court dined at Faneuil-Hall;
after which, the Troop of Guards with the Regiment of
Militia and Company of Cadets, being under arms in King-
street, the rejoicing fires were performed by them: ninety
pieces of cannon were fired at Castle William on this
occasion, and the guns of the batteries in this town and
Charlestown, with a number of cannon that were mounted in
other parts of the town, and on board several vessels in the
harbour, which had their colours displayed, were
successively fired:--Towards evening his Excellency with
both houses were entertained at Concert-Hall, by the
invitation of the gentlemen concerned in the management,
with a concert of musick; this being over, his Excellency
with the Court proceeded to the Council Chamber, where a
great number of civil and military officers, and other
persons of distinction, by his Excellency's invitation, met
in the evening, when his Majesty's and many other loyal
healths were drank.--The Province-House, Court-House and all
the houses in all parts of the town were beautifuly
illuminated; and several windows presented to view some
ingenious representations: A number of large bonfires
formed in a pyramidical manner were on several eminences in
the town; and an abundance of extraordinary fire-works were
play'd off in almost every street; more especially the
greatest quantity of sky-rockets ever seen on any occasion.-
-In short, as the consequence of such a victory, with which
heaven has bless'd his Majesty's arms, must be be so happy
to us in an especial manner, so the rejoicing were the
greatest ever known, an universal joy appearing in persons
of all ranks, tho' not without some allay of sorrow at the
loss of the brave General by whose means, under God, Quebec
was obliged to submit to the British government. . . [1
para. re. celebrations in other nearby towns.]
And on Thursday evening last, there was a ball for the
ladies, at Concert-Hall, in this town, upon the invitation
of his Excellency,on account of the good news aforesaid, and
at which the ladies made a most brilliant appearance. . .