Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1760.09.29

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Index Entry Concert, in Boston, managers contribute tickets to Governor and court 
Location Boston 
29 Sep 1760:21 (1309)
Last Friday being appointed to be observed as a day of
general rejoicing for the entire reduction of Canada: Troop
of Horse Guards, Company of Cadets went from Province House
to Council Chamber; 63 guns shot at Castle William, and also
some in harbor vessels; then proceeded to Faneuil Hall for
dinner for 150 persons]
   After dinner his Excellency and the Company went to the
Concert Hall on the invitation of the managers, and were
entertained with a concert of musick.  [In the evening,
fireworks, toasts, illumination of the town] all possible
expressions of that universal joy which this happy and
glorious event has diffused through this loyal and grateful

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1760.09.29 
Publisher Fleet, Thomas, and John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1760 
Bibliography B0003100
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