Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1761.03.16

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Index Entry Band of music, in Halifax, in procession, for anouncement of King George III 
Location Halifax 
16 Mar 1761:23 (1333)
Halifax, in Nova Scotia, Feb. 11.  The Hon. Jonathan
Belcher, Esq; Commander in chief of the province, having
received dispatchers from England, with orders on account of
the demise of the late King, the same was taken into
immediate consideration by his Majesty's council, who in
consequence of their resolution thereupon for proclaiming
his present Majesty King George the third,. . . [14th line]
and a copy of the proclamation having been subscribed by the
president and council, and by Lord Colvill [commander in
chief of H.M.'s ships in N.America], Col. Forster
[commanding H.M.'s regular forces in Nova Scotia], and
sundry other officers civil and military, and also by the
clergy and principal inhabitants; they then proceeded to
proclaim his Majesty in the following order.
1st.  A company of grenadiers.
2d.   Constables. . .
6th.  The provost marshal with two deputies on horseback.
7th.  A band of musick. . . [10 groups in all]
  His Majesty was proclaimed amidst the acclamations of the
people at five different parts of the town. . . [10 lines +
2 paras. more]

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1761.03.16 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1761 
Bibliography B0003124
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