Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1761.07.13

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Index Entry Drummers, in Belleisle, French casualties, messengers 
Location Belleisle 
13 Jul 1761:22,23 (1350)
Extract of a letter from Paris, May 1.  It's reported that
the Austrian party. . .  But it is also reported that the
citadel of Palais, in the island of Belleisle (on the south
coast of Brittany), has surrendered, and that the garrison,
consisting of 2000 of our best troops are prisoners of war
. . . [4th para.:]   The loss which we sustained in the
first attack on Belleisle, according to a list published in
the Gazette of the 9th inst. as follows:  Total killed, 4
officers,. . . 4 drummers,. . . Total wounded, 1 officer, 1
serjeant, 1 drummer, 72 rank and file.  Total prisoners, 15
officers, 4 serjeants, 1 drummer, 245 rank and file.  Total
loss, 20 officers, 15 serjeants 6 drummers, 393 rank and
file. . . 
  By the last express from Belleisle, we learn that the
manner in which Sir William Peere Williams, Bart. was
untimely cut off, was as follows:  He was eager to
reconnoitre the works of the citadel, and drew too near the
glacis, notwithstanding the repeated warning of his servant,
whom he ordered to attend him, and who was very sensible of
their being in reach of a musket; but his advice being
disregarded, Sir William was shot by a centinel, and expired
on the spot.  His body being taken up by some men belonging
to the garrison, the French commandant judged it to be some
person of distinction, sent out a drummer to general
Hodgson, to request him to send for the corpse, which
drummer was shot dead by an over-forward soldier in our
army, who, for this breach of the laws of war, was ordered
to be hanged; but the French commandant judged it to be a
mistake, proceeding from ignorance and a zeal to revenge the
death of Sir William, sent off another drummer with a polite
intercessory letter on behalf of the delinquent, who has
been pardoned in consequence, and the corpse of Sir William
was brought back to our camp.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1761.07.13 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1761 
Bibliography B0003141
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