Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1762.05.31

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Index Entry Drums, in Martinico, beat in French capitulation 
Location Martinico 
31 May 1762:12,13 (1395)
Articles of capitulation of the citadel of Fort Royal in the
Island of Martinico, the 4th of February 1762. [not before
published in America]
  Art. I.  The commanding officer of the citadel shall march
out at the head of the garrison composed of troops detached
from the marine the royal grenadiers, cannoniers, bombadiers
& Swiss; the different detachments of the militia &
freebooters, and other volunteers, with the honours of war,
drums beating, lighted match, colours flying, two pieces of
cannon, and three rounds of ammunition each.
  Ans.  The troops of his most Christian Majesty in garrison
shall march out with drums beating, colours flying, two
pieces of cannon, two rounds of ammunition, and shall be
embarked and sent to France as soon as possible, at the
expence of his Britannic Majesty. . .

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1762.05.31 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1762 
Bibliography B0003187
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