Citation |
13 Dec 1762:11,12,13 (1423)
Boston, December 13. The following extract of a letter from
a gentleman of credit now in London, to his friend here,
containing the substance of Mr. P--tt's speech in
Parliament, in answer to Lord G---ge S--k--lle and others
that spoke before him, relating to the supplying his Majesty
with an additional sum for carrying on the war in Germany
and assisting the King of Portugal,. . .
London, Tuesday May 12. 1762. . . [12, 1st full para.]
Mr. P--tt, our late worthy minister, next rose from his
seat, and like an angel diffus'd a light throughout the
whole assembly; he spoke for 73 minutes, which when over,
seem'd like a moment of transport: He made a most glorious
speech; I was charm'd with the noble sentiments, the honesty
of heart, the tender regard for his King and country which
breath'd forth in every word he said; such inchanting musick
I never heard before; I forgot all my past misfortunes, and
did not anticipate those to come; while he was speaking, I
was completely happy, if there be such on earth; he
convinc'd every one, who was not more than an infidel, 'twas
absolutely necessary to continue the German war, and assist
the King of Portugal;. . .