Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1763.03.21

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Index Entry Drummer, in Boston, Negro, plays for training days 
Location Boston 
21 Mar 1763:21,22 (1437)
The Boston-Gazette lately furnished the publick with a
curious piece of poetry, collected, partly from Mr. Pope,
and some other celebrated poets, and partly interlarded with
the productions of a grubstreet genius.  The compiler seems
to have designed it as a lyrick performance but the measure
of the verse seems best adapted to the musick of the Negro
drum, that dins our ears on training day.  I imagine it was
jumbled in the compiler's brain, while he was riding a
Charlestown hack, shifting his feet to the pace, trot and
gallop, and the chasms in the several lines were occasioned
by the tripping and stumbling of the beast.  In order to
disabuse the publick, I would beg the favor of you to insert
the following piece of Dean Swift's, which seems to have in
it reason, rhyme, and meaning too.---The annotations I leave
to a future paper.
[1 col. + 6 lines in all]

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1763.03.21 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0003229
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