Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1763.05.02

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Index Entry Country dances, in Soissons, four young girls dance and fail to adore host 
Location Soissons 
2 May 1763:22 (1443)
The following Popish miracle is taken from the Amsterdam
Dutch Courant of the 2d instant.  "They write from France on
the 28th ult, that four young men and four young women were
dancing country dances at an inn at Soissons, the Host was
carried by the door to a sick person; the young men kneeled
down and paid their adoration, but the young girls kept
dancing on; that it was asserted there, that for their
irreligion, in not paying devotion to the venerable Host,
they still continued dancing when the account came away,
which had made them so lean, that they looked more like
skeletons then living creatures."

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1763.05.02 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0003235
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