Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1763.07.11

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Index Entry Concert Hall, in Boston, site of organ made by Thomas Johnston of Boston 
Location Boston 
11 Jul 1763:42 (1453)
Lewis Deblois, designing for England early next spring,
desires all persons that are indebted to him, either by
bonds, notes of hand, or book-debts, to settle with him as
expeditiously as possible.----
  He has a choice assortment of English piece goods at his
store, the bottom of Kingstreet, which he would dispose of
at very reasonable rates for cash or short credit.-----
  He has for sale, a curious ton'd, double key'd new
harpsicord (just imported in Capt. Mallard from London) is
esteem'd the master-piece of the famous Falconer.--Also has
for sale an organ, made by Mr. Thomas Johnston of this town,
formerly made use of in concert-Hall, and can be
recommended.--An abatement of ten guineas will be made (from
the real value of said instrument) if bought and made use of
for any congregation in this town.----
  N.B.  Said Deblois will want a quality of lumber, Jamaica
cod fish and mackrel, this fall.  Any persons willing to
supply him with a quantity of either of the above
commodities, for English piece goods, shall have the goods
at cash price, and delivered as soon as they desire.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1763.07.11 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0003245
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