Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1764.08.20

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Index Entry Books, Introduction to the Grounds...[t] (Walter/Tansur), for sale by Fleet 
Location Boston 
20 Aug 1764:43 (1511)
Just published, and to be sold by Bulkeley Emerson at
Newbury Port, and Thomas & John Fleet in Boston,
A New and Compleat Introduction to the Grounds and Rules of
Musick, in two books.
  Book I.  Containing the Grounds and Rules of Musick:  or
an Introduction to the Art of Singing by Note, taken from
Thomas Walter, A.M.
  Book II.  Containing a new and correct Introduction to the
Grounds and Rules of Musick, Rudimental and Practical; from
William Tansur's Royal Melody.  The whole being a collection
of a variety of the choicest tunes from the most approved

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1764.08.20 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1764 
Bibliography B0003303
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