Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1764.11.19

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Index Entry Assembly, in Halifax, given by Spry after commissioning 
Location Halifax 
19 Nov 1764:21 (1524)
Halifax, in Nova-Scotia, Octob. 18. . .  Last Tuesday the
Right Worshipful William Spry, Doctor of Laws, in his
scarlet robes, attended by his Lordship Jonathan Belcher,
Esq;chief justice of his Majesty's supreme court,. . . went
in procession to the court-house, where his Majesty's
commission, under the seal of the high court of admiralty of
England,. . . was read and published; after which the court
being opened,. . . [7 lines]  In the evening an elegant
assembly was given by Dr. Spry and lady, to the gentlemen
and ladies, and a very genteel cold collation;  The whole
was conducted with great elegance and propriety, and the
evening concluded to the general satisfaction of all

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1764.11.19 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1764 
Bibliography B0003316
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