Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1765.06.24

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Index Entry Psalm, sung in Cambridge, for installation of Professor 
Location Cambridge 
24 Jun 1765:31 (1555)
We hear from Cambridge, that Stephen Sewall, A.M. lately
elected Hancock professor of Hebrew & other oriental
languages, in Harvard College, was on Wednesday last
publicly installed in that office: --- The procession from
the college to the meeting-house, preceded by all the
students of the college, was very large and respectable:. .
. [during exercises John Hancock commended for fulfilling
his uncle Thomas's intention to give 500 l. to the library;
and for funding the oriental language professor's chair,
etc.; 11 lines up from bottom of entry:]  An elegant Latin
oration was pronounced by the professor upon his
inauguration:  The Reverend Dr. Dewall prayed; and after
singing a psalm, the procession returned to the new hall, in
the beautiful structure which is now erecting by the
government in the place of Harvard-Hall, which was some time
since destroyed by fire; where his Excellency the Governor,.
. .

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1765.06.24 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1765 
Bibliography B0003347
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