Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1765.11.11

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Index Entry Drum, in New York, on back of effigy as badge of former profession 
Location New York 
11 Nov 1765:23 (1574)
New-York, November 4. . .  The late extraordinary and
unprecedented preparations in Fort-George, and the securing
of the stamp'd paper in that garrison, having greatly
alarmed and displeased the inhabitants of this city, a great
vast number of them assembled last Friday evening in the
commons, from whence they marched down the fly. . . [to
where a gallows was erected; 11 lines:] on his breast was
affix'd a paper with the following inscription, The Rebel
Drummer in the Year 1715:  At his back was fixed a drum, the
badge of his profession;. . .  After he had hung there a
considerable time, they carried the effigies, with the
gallows intire, begin preceeded by the coach,. . . to the
bowling green,. . . where a bon-fire was immediately made,
and the drummer, devil, coach, &c. were consumed. . .

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1765.11.11 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1765 
Bibliography B0003367
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