Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1766.03.17

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Index Entry Ballads, in Reliques of Ancient English Poetry [t], 3 vols, for sale by Mein 
Location Boston 
17 Mar 1766:32,33 (1592)
Just imported from London, and to be sold by John Mein, at
the London Book-Store, North-Side of King-street, Boston, a
very  large assortment of the latest published books, among
which are the following,. . .
  Reliques of ancient English poetry, consisting of old
heroic ballads, songs and other pieces of our earliest
poets, 3 vols. with elegant decorations.
  These pieces not only gratify curiosity, but interest the
heart, and are remarkable for their pleasing simplicity and
many artless graces. . .
  Flavel's whole works,. . .
  Dr. Watts's whole works, 6 volumes 4to. . .
  Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 4 vols. . .

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1766.03.17 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1766 
Bibliography B0003385
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