Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1766.05.26

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Index Entry Bells, in Boston, rung for repeal of Stamp Act 
Location Boston 
26 May 1766:12,13 (1602)
Another correspondent sends us the following relation of the
late rejoicings:  Monday last was the time appointed for the
publick rejoicings on the repeal of the Stamp Act -- The
ardor of the people was so great, that immediately after the
clock strook one in the morning, the bell in the Reverend
Doctor Byles's church (as being the nearest to Liberty-Tree)
was set a ringing, which was soon answered by the bells on
Christ-Church, at the other end of the town; and in a short
time all the other bells of the town strook in.  Before two
o'clock musick was heard in the streets, the drums beat, and
guns fired.  As soon as it grew light enough to see the
steeple of the meeting house next the Tree of Liberty was
hung with banners. . .

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1766.05.26 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1766 
Bibliography B0003395
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