Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1766.10.27

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Index Entry Arnold, psalmody, for sale by Mein, John 
Location Boston 
27 Oct 1766:21,22,23 (1624 Supplement) 
Boston Evening Post (Fleet)          
27 Oct 1766:21,22,23 (1624 Supplement)                                            
Just imported and to be sold by John Mein at the London                 
Book-Store. . . [84 more lines, titles of novels, history,              
poetry] Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns. A new edition, neatly             
printed on a fine Demy paper, handsomely bound and gilt.                
Price three pistareens bound together; and two pistareens               
separately.  They may likewise be had with a collection of              
the tunes that are most in use, and an introduction to                  
singing, Those who buy a quantity will be allowed a                     
considerable discount. Tate & Brady's Psalms, with Hymns                
from Doddridge, Watts, &c. and Tunes 3s. and without Tunes              
The Clandestine Marriage, a comedy. Price two pistareens. By            
George Colman, Esq; author of the Connoisseur, and David                
Garrick, Esq; This comedy is the offspring of the united                
efforts of perhaps two of the greatest geniuses, that this              
or any other age hath produced. The scenes are truly comic,             
inculcate the strictest morality, and are real paintings                
from nature: The story is well conducted, the characters                
uniformly well supported, the plot judiciously work'd up and            
unravelled, and the moral inimitable. . . [20 more books                
described] Williams's, Arnold's. Knapp's. & Green's                     
Psalmody. . . [7 more book descriptions, 21 lines of                    
stationery] John Mein has just imported a large assortment              
of the latest published books in agriculture, history,                  
poetry, physic, surgery, husbandry, divinity, navigation,               
law, classical authors, bibles, from 3s. to 50s. Testaments             
and prayer books, all the new plays and operas, the                     
political debates in P----t. . . [12 more lines]
Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1766.10.27 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1766 
Bibliography B0003417
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