Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1767.06.15

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Index Entry Accomplish'd Maid [t], for sale by Cox and Berry 
Location Boston 
15 Jun 1767:41 (1656) 
Just imported in the Sukey, Captain Robson, and to be sold
by Cox and Berry, at their shop almost opposite to the post-
office, in Cornhill Boston, by wholesale and retail at the
very lowest advance, a large collection of the most esteemed
modern books, bibles & common prayers in all sizes,
testaments, psalters, school books, a great variety of play;
and little books bound in gilt paper, for the amusement and
instruction of younger minds. With the following new
publications. . . [2 columns, one of books, the other plays
& pamphlets] 
Earl of Warwick,  School for Guardian, . . . Cymon, comic
opera, . . . Cunning Man, . . . Perplexities, . . . Neck or
Nothing, . . . Accomplish'd Maid, . . . Country Girl, . . .
Love in the City, . . . English Merchant, by Mr. Colman, . .
. Lectures on Heads. . . 

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1767.06.15 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0003450
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