Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1767.07.13

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Index Entry Accomplished Maid [t], for sale by Mein, John 
Location Boston 
13 Jul 1767:4123 (1660) 
Just imported and to be sold by John Mein at the London
Book-Store, north side of King-Street, Boston, large and
small bibles of every sort, and a numerous collection of
books in Divinity, among which are the following. . . [60
titles follow, including] 
Tate and Brady's Psalms, a new edition, large print two
pistareens, and 22s. by the dozen. 
Watt's Psalms & Hymns a new edition. . . [56 more titles,
novels, and 40 more on various subjects] 
New Plays: Earl of Warwick, by Mr. Franklin; School for
Guardians, by Mr. Murphy; Perplexities; Love in the City;
Fairy Favour; English Merchant, by Mr. Colman; Clandestine
Marriage, by ditto; Cymon; Accomplished Maid; Cunning Man by
Rousseau. . . [9 more lines] 
Psalmody: Williams's Psalmody, Williams's Anthems, Green's
Psalmody; Tansur's Royal Melody compleat; Arnold's Church
Music; Arnold's Harmony; Bayley's Introduction to Music.
Containing the grounds and rules of music, from Walter &
Tansur, and a collection of the choices tunes from the most
approved masters.
Song Books: The Masque, The Warblers Delight; The Bucks do.
a collection of very humourous songs. The Brent; Frank
Hammond's Songs, or every Buck and choice Spirits
A Collection of Songs, very elegantly printed on fine
writing paper, and entirely calculated for the votaries of
Comus. . . [10 more lines] 
Mein has for sale, a grand assortment of the best authors in
every art and science, and in every branch of polite
literature, and sells at the very lowest prices.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1767.07.13 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0003454
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