Citation |
2 Nov 1767:41,42,43,44 (1675)
Just imported and to be sold by John Mein at the London
Book-Store north-side of King-Street, Boston, a grand
assortment of the most modern books in every branch of
polite literature arts and sciences, viz. . . (19 fields
listed, including] poetry, plays, arts, law. (among which
are the following)
Advice to the People in general With Regard to their Health:
. . . [description, table of contents, biography of an
Sermons to Young Women. . . [description of contents
follows, then 10 more titles]
Cato, a Tragedy 3d. Bibels Oxford and Cambridge large
quartos bibles with church service apocrypha,
Tate's Psalms concordance and cuts. . . [7 more lines]
English octavo bibles, with church service, apocrypha and
psalms. . . [8 more lines] primers, psalters. . . [37 more
lines] ***All the best plays in the English language, and
all the magazines and reviews that are published in Great-
Britain. At the very same price they are sold at in London.