Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1767.11.02

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Index Entry Cato [t], for sale by Mein, John 
Location Boston 
2 Nov 1767:41,42,43,44 (1675) 
Just imported and to be sold by John Mein at the London
Book-Store north-side of King-Street, Boston, a grand
assortment of the most modern books in every branch of
polite literature arts and sciences, viz. . .  (19 fields
listed, including] poetry, plays, arts, law. (among which
are the following) 
Advice to the People in general With Regard to their Health:
. . . [description, table of contents, biography of an
Sermons to Young Women. . . [description of contents
follows, then 10 more titles] 
Cato, a Tragedy  3d. Bibels Oxford and Cambridge large
quartos bibles with church service apocrypha, 
Tate's Psalms concordance and cuts. . . [7 more lines]
English octavo bibles, with church service, apocrypha and
psalms. . . [8 more lines] primers, psalters. . . [37 more
lines] ***All the best plays in the English language, and
all the magazines and reviews that are published in Great-
Britain. At the very same price they are sold at in London.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1767.11.02 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0003470
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