Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1768.02.08

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Index Entry Drums, in Hispaniola, beat to arms to warn inhabitants of massacre 
Location Hispaniola 
8 Feb 1768:22 (1689)
Williamsburg, Dec.10, 1767. Extract of a letter from
Jamaica, Oct. 24. 
By a letter from Hispaniola, to a gentleman in this town, we
are informed that the French inhabitants, with their slaves,
in number about 8000 souls, having possessed themselves of a
part of the island called Ence a Petre, where they were
making settlements, the old Spanish inhabitants came
suddenly upon them in the dead of the night, about six weeks
ago, and most cruelly cut their throats, and slew almost
every soul. On the same night they proceeded to a place
called Jacamel, where they slew 600 more; but an alarm
spreading over the island, the French beat to arms, and a
general engagement ensued. . . [6 more lines] 

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1768.02.08 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0003484
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