Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1768.09.26

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Index Entry Come shake your dull noddles, ye pumpkins and bawl [fl] 
Location Boston 
26 Sep 1768:22 (1722 Supplement 1)
A PARODY.  Upon the well known Liberty Song, 
(said to be in great vogue at a certain fortress, where it
was compos'd)
  Come shake your dull noddles, ye pumpkins and bawl,
  And own that you're mad at fair Liberty's call;
  No scandalous conduct can add to your shame,
  Condemn'd to dishonor, inherit the fame.
    In folly you're born, and in folly you'll live,
    To madness still ready,
    And stupidly steady,
    Not as men but as monkies the tokens you give.
. . . [9 more verses with chorus]

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1768.09.26 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0003517
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