Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1770.09.03

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Index Entry Actor, in London, retired, treated for gout at expense of admirer 
Location London 
3 Sep 1770:13 (1823)
London, June 3. Some days ago a tragedian, who has for many
years deservedly received the applause of the public, but
who is now much broke down with the gout and other
infirmities, waited upon the famous gout doctor lately come
from Leige; his terms, which are 100 guineas each patient,
not suiting his circumstances, he was obliged to withdraw
and suffer his disorder a little longer. This circumstance
coming to the knowledge of a certain Baronet, who is
remarkable for his munificence, one of the original
subscribers for bringing over the doctor, and is himself
much afflicted with the gout; sent immediately to him and
desired him to attend Mr. B---, and give him all the
assistance in his power, and that he would pay him, adding,
I am still in Mr. B---'s debt for the pleasure I received
from his performance twenty years ago.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1770.09.03 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0003618
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