Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1771.08.05

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Index Entry Band of music, in Bridgewater, played at wedding 
Location Bridgewater 
5 Aug 1771:32 (1871)
On the 10th of this instant were married at Bridgewater, Mr.
Michael Fitz Gerald, to Miss Margaret Matteson, an amiable
young couple. After the solemnity of the marriage was over
they were attended by a band of musick, together with a ring
of bells, and a great deal of seeming demonstrations of joy
on that happy occasion; but what proved very mortifying to
this new married couple their lodging was so infested with
those vermin called bed-bugs that they could not solace
themselves with that comfort they expected to enjoy in their
matrimonial state. . . [4 more lines]

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1771.08.05 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0003666
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