Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1772.09.21

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Index Entry Barclay, Andrew, sells psalmody books, psalm, psalters 
Location Boston 
21 Sep 1772:43 (1930)
Andrew Barclay, bookbinder and stationer, begs leave to
inform his customers & others that he hath removed from
Cornhill to a shop second door south of the Governor's, at
the sign of the Gilt Bible, in Marlboro' Street, where he
has for sale a variety of books, in divinity, history, &c
among which are the following, viz. . . [12 more lines]
testaments, psalters, psalm-books, gilt & plain, spelling-
books, primers, Tansur's and Williams's Singing-Books. . .
[7 more lines]

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1772.09.21 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0003725
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