Citation |
26 Apr 1773:23 (1961)
Mr. Turner acquaints those gentlemen & ladies that attended
Mr. Propert's benefit concert on Thursday evening last, that
he had no intention of depriving them of Mr. Morgan's
performance, as he absolutely gave Mr. Morgan notice that
there would be a writ against him that day, which was a hint
at least for him to keep out of the way of the officer;
further Mr. Turner ordered the officer, if Mr. Morgan was
taken and said he could not give bail or pay the money, to
discharge him and he would pay costs, rather than do an ill-
natured action.----
For particulars of Mr. Morgan's ungenteel behaviour, Mr.
Turner refers those gentlemen & ladies to Messirs Edes &
Gill's paper of this day, and assures them there were three
writs served on Mr. Morgan before his.--Mr. Mumford can
clear Mr Turner as to being accessary to his writ.