Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1773.05.10

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Index Entry Deblois, Gilbert, sells drums, reeds 
Location Boston 
10 May 1773:41 (1963)
Goods very cheap.  Just imported per Capt. Scott from London
and to be sold by Gilbert Deblois at his shop opposite the
bottom of School-Street, wholesale and retail for ready
money.  A large and beautiful assortment of calicoes,
chints, stampt cotton and linnens, from 12s. to L 3 per 
yard, O.T. plain and mixt bengalls [more textiles]. . .
  [Pointing hand] gold and silver binding, laces, hat
buttons and loops, shoulder knots, swords, blue, white and
buff cloths, fines, drums, reeds, &c.-----best hyson,
souchong and bohea tea, spices, looking glasses, and china
  N.B.  Country traders may be supplied at as low advance as
can be bought at any store in town.---- 

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1773.05.10 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0003758
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