Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1774.03.07

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Index Entry Drums, in Marblehead, beat to arms to call out militia 
Location Marblehead 
7 Mar 1774:22 (2006)
Last Friday se'nnight, in the forenoon, Mr. Brown, of Salem,
Deputy-sheriff, went on board a fishing-vessel, at
Marblehead, and arrested John Watts and John Guillard . . .
on suspicion that the said two persons were concerned in
burning that building [the Essex Hospital] on the 26th of
January last.----The prisoners were committed to his
Majesty's goal in Salem about two o'clock, P.M.  Almost as
soon as the keys were turned upon them, the people began, in
small companies, to enter the town from Marblehead, and
continued coming over in this manner till near night
rendezvouzing near the goal.  The magistrates were busy in
consulting upon measures for preserving the peace, and for
dispersing the people who were assembling from Marblehead;
from whence a still greater number was expected after dark. 
About sunset, on application to the colonel of the militia,
the drums were ordered out, and beat To Arms.----[this
incited the mob to break in, free the two prisoners and
extract a promise from the magistrates to prosecute no one
for the fire]

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1774.03.07 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0003801
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