Citation - Boston Evening Post (Powars): 1782.05.04

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Index Entry Drums, in Fort St Philip, beat in British capitulation 
Location Fort St Philip 
4 May 1782:43 (1/29)
[Proposed terms of capitulation at Fort St. Philip, February
4, 1782]  Answer.  The garrison shall be prisoners of war:
but in regard to the constancy, valour and great defence by
General Murray, and the garrison, the said garrison shall go
out, holding the firelock on the shoulder, drums beating,
match lighted and flags flying . . . [3/4 column on other
   So soon as the King received the news of so glorious an
event, he ordered immediately a public thanksgiving to the
Lord of Hosts; and a Te Deum was sung in the King's chapel,
and a general illumination was exhibited during three

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Powars) 
Date 1782.05.04 
Publisher Powars, Edward E. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0003889
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