Citation - Boston Evening Post (Powars): 1782.06.08

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Index Entry Band of music, in Philadelphia, in procession, for Luzerne 
Location Philadelphia 
8 Jun 1782:21 (1/34)
Philadelphia, May 18.  Congress having in consequence of a
request of the Hon. the Chevalier de la Luzerne, Minister
Plenipotentiary of France, appointed Monday last the 13th
instant, to grant him a public audience; that Minister
received audience accordingly.
   In pursuance of orders from the Secretary at War, issued
by the special direction of Congress, the Continental troops
in garrison paraded, at nine o'clock in the morning, upon
the commons, where they were joined by a troop of the
volunteer cavalry of the City of Philadelphia, consisting of
gentlemen elegantly mounted and accoutred, and a battalion
of the City Artillery, composed of a number of very
respectable citizens, with thirteen pieces of artillery. 
The whole being formed into one brigade, with colours,
standard, &c. properly disposed, and attended by an
excellent band of musick, marched in great order down
Market-Street to the State House, where the Brigade was
displayed with the right towards the minister's house. . .
[1/2 column, parade, speech to Congress, dinner at City
Tavern.]  An excellent band of music played at intervals
during the sinner and between each of the following toasts.
. . [1/4 column, toasts, fireworks]
   On the left was a wreath of flowers, in the centre of
which were these words, "Maria Antonietta, Queen of France." 
Underneath were the following verses:
  No emblems here the tablet grace,
  What pencil can her emblem trace, 
  Let beauty, wit and worth advance,
  And joining form the Queen of France.
. . . [to private house, to fireworks, back to Secretary's

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Powars) 
Date 1782.06.08 
Publisher Powars, Edward E. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0003894
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