Citation - Boston Gazette: 1724.07.20

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Index Entry Drum, in Ipswich, beat to call volunteers to march against Indians 
Location Ipswich 
13-20 Jul 1724:21 (243)
Ipswich, July 17.  On Monday last came in here Silvanus
Lakeman of this town, who brought an account of some of our
fishery as well as other being surprized, taken and kill'd
by the Indian enemy on the 10th instant.  His Honour the
Lieut. Governour having had an account thereof was pleas'd
to give orders to beat up for voluntiers, which was done,
and upon the beat of the drum between forty & fifty
voluntiers appeared and enlisted to go in quest of the
Indian enemy,...  [7 more lines.]

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1724.07.20 
Publisher Musgrave, Philip 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1724 
Bibliography B0004128
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