Citation - Boston Gazette: 1729.04.14

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Index Entry Blow, Charles, trumpeter, Negro deserter 
Location Boston 
7-14 Apr 1729:41 (490)
Whereas Charles Blow, a thin spare Negro man about 5 foot 9
inches high, 25 years of age, has lately deserted from Capt.
Thomas Marwood, Commander of his Majesty's Ship Lyme, the
station ship here; he had on when he went away a blue coat
lin'd with red and white mettle buttons, an ash coloured
jacket lined with yellow, and brass buttons, and formerly
belonged to Capt. Durell, Commander of his Majesty's Ship
Sea-Horse, and afterwards to Capt. Cornwall, Commander of
his Majesty's Ship Sheerness:  These are therefore to give
notice, that whoever will apprehend the said Charles Blow,
and bring him to the said Capt. Marwood at the North End of
Boston, shall have forty shillings reward paid by him, and
all necessary charges.
  N.B.  The said Blow sounds the trumpet.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1729.04.14 
Publisher Marshall, Henry 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1729 
Bibliography B0004328
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