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8-15 Sep 1735:11,22 (819)
I observe that in your Gazette, is of late become a kind of
vehicle, to convey to us the improvements that some
gentlemen have made upon religious schemes . . . [9 lines up
from bottom of 1st col.:] Their [Christians] different
opinions (in lesser matters) would be no more disadvantage
to the Church of Christ, than the different parts and
different voices, are in the chorus of musick. . . [15
lines] And let them have an emulation to excell others in
undissembled piety, and in all the vertues and chances of
the Christian life, in proportion to the esteem that they
have for their own principles; especially in that admirable
Christian vertue, charity; without which all other things
are but as a sounding brass, and a tinkling cymbal. . . [22
more lines]