Citation - Boston Gazette: 1737.02.14

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Index Entry Hymn to the Almighty, A [t] [beg] Source of all being, of thy self alone 
Location London 
7-14 Feb 1737:11 (892)
From the Gentleman's Magazine, for Octob. 1736.
AN HYMN TO THE ALMIGHTY. Occasion'd by the vain and too-nice
enquiry of man, into the origin and being of God.
  Source of all being, of thy self alone,
  Eternal, infinite, almighty one;
  Who can, O God! thy offence comprehend? 
  Without beginning, and without an end.
. . . [24 more lines]

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1737.02.14 
Publisher Boydell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1737 
Bibliography B0004640
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