Citation - Boston Gazette: 1737.02.21

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Index Entry Ball, in Edinburgh, for King's birthday 
Location Edinburgh 
14-21 Feb 1737:11,21 (893)
(From the Daily Gazetteer Novemb.9.1736.). . . [7 lines] 
Ebinburgh, November 1.
Saturday last being the anniversary of his Majesty's birth,.
. .  [7 lines] Early in the morning . . . [2 lines] the
water-works wer set a going, the musick bells a-ringing, and
an uncommon air of joy and exultation appeared in the face
of every individual. . . [4th para.:]
  After marching to the nether bow, they returned and form'd
a line on each side the cross; thro' which, 'twixt 3 & 4
o'clock, the magistrates, accompanied by many of the
nobility, lords of session, commissioners of the revenue,
and others of distinction, preceeded by the regalia, musick
of all kinds, the city servants all in new cloaths, to the
theatre; where they drank all the royal healths, each under
a volley from the city company, and firings from the tran'd
bands; while trumpets sounded, water-works plaid, musick
bells tun'd suitably, the loudest huzza's from all quarters
seem'd to rent the skies; and even the weather cock of the
high steeple was made to act a part in the solemnity. . . 
[5 more paras]
  Edinburgh, Novemb. 1.
Saturday last being his Majesty's birth-day,. . .  [4 lines
+ last 3 lines of 3d para.:]  The night concluded with
drinking of healths, illuminations, bonfires, ringing of
bells, and all other demonstrations of joy. . .  [5th
  In the evening there was a ball for the entertainment of
the ladies.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1737.02.21 
Publisher Boydell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1737 
Bibliography B0004641
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