Citation - Boston Gazette: 1738.10.09

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Index Entry Assembly, in Edinburgh, benefit for Royal Infirmary 
Location Edinburgh 
2-9 Oct 1738:12-21 (978)
Edinburgh, August 3.  Yesterday between 3 and 4 after noon,
the first stone of the New Royal Infirmary of this city was
laid in the following manner. . . [21: para. 3:]
  When the company came to the ground, the grand master and
his brethren of the Free and Accepted Masons, surrounded the
plan of the foundation hand in hand:  then the grand master,
master mason of the work, and the presses of the managers of
the Royal Infirmary, coming to the East corner of the
foundation where the stone was to be laid, placed the same
in its bed; the Rt. Hon. the Lord Provost having first laid
a medal under it, each in their turns giving 3 strokes upon
the stone with an iron mallet, which was succeeded by 3
clarines of the trumpet, 3 huzzas, and 3 claps of hands. . .
[last para.;]
  This night, ladies are to contribute to this building by
an assembly, which will be well attended.  

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1738.10.09 
Publisher Boydell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1738 
Bibliography B0004725
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