Citation - Boston Gazette: 1740.06.09

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Index Entry Fiddle, played by runaway Indian named Worrison, Pallas 
Location Stratford 
2-9 Jun 1740:41 (1062)
Ran-away from his master the Rev. Mr. Johnson of Stratford,
a pretty handsome Indian man named Pallas Worrison, about 27
years old: He speaks good English, is apt to get in drink,
and then affects much to be thought a scholar, and to talk
about religion, and preaching to the Indians: He had on a
white linnen work'd cap, a brown gamblet coat lined with
red, a lightish drugget jacket, and tow breeches, and had
with him a good fiddle on which he delights to play.
  Whoever shall take up said fellow, and bring him to his
said master, shall have four pounds reward and all necessary
charges paid.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1740.06.09 
Publisher Boydell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1740 
Bibliography B0004792
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